Friday 20 September 2013

[NEWS] The Expendables 3 And Independence Day 2

the expendables 3 kelsey grammerThe third instalment of popular action thriller franchise, The Expendables 3 is already in the filming stage and slated to be released in August 2014. The latest news from Liongate is that Kelsey Grammer will be the new inclusion to the project. He'll play an ex-mercenary by the name of Bonaparte, a role that the outlet claims was initially offered to Nicolas Cage.
On the other hand, the other long awaited sequel, Independence Day 2 is also a confirmed project, Roland Emmerich will continue to direct this successful vehicle of his (since 1996). Even though it is still early stage but he has conveyed the following with Empire which is a positive sign:
"I should get the script pretty soon, then I'll try to get it into good shape for one or two months and, if that happens, we'll announce it and start production… We've created a mythology around these aliens, which is really cool. You have to create a mythology because people want to see a bigger picture."

Independence Day 2 is slated to be released in July 2015.
What do you think about these 2 upcoming projects?

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