"Resident Evil - Retribution", the 5th instalment of the Resident Evil franchise is the upcoming 3D extravagance that all game lover would not want to miss. In case you are not aware, Resident Evil is a computer game-turned-movie.
Good news for the fan as the film distributor has just released a massive load of movie posters/banners (still sizzling hot). With all these amazing and appetising (graphically) posters, it make it even more unbearable to the fan for needing to wait until September 2012 to catch the movie in 3D.
Also, please refer to my earlier post on Sneak Peep: Resident Evil - Retribution for the movie trailer.
Meanwhile, just relax and enjoy the posters/banners first.
(Warning: massive movie graphics below and thus it might take awhile to load).
(Warning: massive movie graphics below and thus it might take awhile to load).